Friday, February 19, 2010

Sick days, control and encouragement.

I had to take the day off on Friday due to being ill. My apologies to Pete as we were meant to work on our film assignment.
Being sick frustrates me. I am pretty anal about routines. I plan what I have to do the night before each day and I follow my schedule very closely. I don't like spontaneous changes to it, it throws me i don't cope well with change. I'm a control freak and being sick is not something that I ever plan for. It is out of my hands and getting that control back over my day is difficult.
Besides being sooky about being ill and having my entire day thrown out of whack, I was pretty annoyed that of all days, it was this day. A day I really could have benefited from being there. I need much help with film and sculpture and both those were being covered that day. I have a lot of catching up to do.

However the day wasn't a complete waste. I was able to write my script for the film assignment, work on my circles triangles and squares and sorted through the house finding materials for the sculpture assignment.
I also spent some time brainstorming some ideas for the nocturnal exhibition proposal. I'm getting very excited about this, and the more I think about it, the more ideas I get. What I initially thought was a very restricted project has suddenly become limitless, and I know it's going to be a lot of fun. Even if my ideas aren't chosen, supporting my classmates and watching their ideas come to life will be just as exciting.

In about an hour I am heading down to the beach to photograph some bottles for the photography assignment. I'm hoping the sun will co-operate with me and with any luck I will be able to upload some pictures to share with everyone tomorrow.

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